Debt - There is a Way Out!

Debt - There is a Way Out!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Financial Cosmetics

Financial Cosmetics
Women spend thousands of dollars on rejuvenation, cosmetics and plastic surgery in order to look young for years or even decades.
Aging men spend money that they don’t have buying sports cars, expensive watches and using Viagra in order to be more attractive to younger women.
We are so focused on looking good that we stop caring about our families and even about our future selves.
Older people become like children.  They can’t earn anything. They don’t understand or feel comfortable in our electronic and ever-changing world. They need to be taken care of. But someday that will be you. Loss of strength and/or confusion just creeps up on people as they age. Are you going to have the money you will need to take care of yourself when you are 80 or 90?
Have you ever seen a 95 year-old man or woman? How long do you think it would take them to run a mile? How do they do their shopping? Do they need help getting dressed or bathing?

Now imagine these two different scenarios:

In one this 85 year-old is living on $800 a month. They share a little room with someone that they don’t really know but is in the same boat. They don’t have a car or a phone and they only eat one small meal a day. Once a month their children visit them and give them a care package and of a couple hundred bucks.
In the second scenario they have an income of $5,000 a month. They live in their own home and get out to shop and entertainment 2 or 3 times a week. They have enough money to give their kids some money when they need it and buy lots of presents for their grandchildren.
Which are you going to be?
If you are young, it’s not a pretty sight, is it? Yet, some day that may be you.

Taking care of yourself

Although we do a lot to avoid dying young we ignore our future quality of life.
Men want a strong erection and women want to be beautiful until they die.

Everybody says I want to be healthy until the day I die.

Consider fixing your finances at this point of your life. The earlier you make a move, the more chances of you living the second scenario when you grow old. can help, we feel you.